Front Page

This is a project from Resplendent Web Services, LLC that is meant to further proliferation of ActivityPub and Mastodon platforms.

Until now, relays have been based on universal proliferation of content, regardless of quality. Having started a Mastodon instance, however, we’ve seen the need to divide that proliferation by language to obtain the best results. Staring at a bunch of posts that one cannot read does one no service, and therefore reduces the perceived value of the product.

As a result, we’re starting relays divided by language. We will blacklist any instance joining a relay of a differing language. However, we will normally welcome your instance on a relay for that language, if it is available.

The current list of relays is as follows:

We hope to add more relays at time goes on. If you wish us to add a relay for your language, please send an email in English to